I feel quite some pleasure in keeping my (oh so rich) life a secret from the 'world.' And when FOMO strikes, I sneak a glance at Jay's phone and demand to be filled in on the latest Facebook news.
In the meantime, I come up with various analog activities, like taking a stroll to the fysiotherapist, whom I could reach by bike in 20 minutes. But no – I walk, because I have time (saved, you know how), with bone-chilling audio serials in teh headphones (my latest discovery).
I wander through the forest whenever possible, sometimes with Chepi-the dog, but very often alone, because nothing calms my mind, like traversing the same route over and over again.
Yesterday, we had a romantic dinner at Ikea. Obviously with meatballs.

'Wow, you look SO YOUNG,' Jay teases me as I peel off the patches from the forehead. I love (LOVE!) such cosmetic novelties, masks, massages, and rollers. I plan to plaster and wrap myself until the end of my days."
This photo was taken at friend's marriage, which I didn't have to photograph, but really wanted create some moody images, this one I personally like a lot. Because of the earing and the button and the overall softness.